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February Is National Cat Health Month

February 1, 2022

Many people may view the first couple months of a new year as a time of renewed focus on the things that matter most. Since our feline companions fall in that category, now is a good time to focus on the well-being and health of your Kitty. In recognition of National Cat Health Month, try to do all the things that will help your cat live a happier, healthier, and longer life. 

Here are a few tips to keep in mind along the way:

Feed Kitty a High-Quality Diet

Cats have specific nutritional requirements that can change with their lifestyle and age. Be sure to feed Kitty high-quality food that meets her daily nutrient needs and helps her maintain a healthy weight. Your veterinarian can help you with this.

Stay on Top of Your Cat’s Dental Health

As hard as it can be to brush your cat’s teeth, oral hygiene is still an important part of your cat’s overall health. Make it a point to schedule Kitty for regular teeth cleanings and exams, especially if Kitty doesn’t tolerate brushing.

Monitor Your Cat’s Weight

Being overweight can negatively impact your cat’s health so be sure to have lots of activities for Kitty to do. That goes double if she’s an indoor cat. This can include Kitty towers, interactive feeds, and playtime with wand toys.

Pay Attention to Litterbox Habits

Early signs of illness can show up in your cat’s litterbox habits and what she leaves behind in the litterbox. So if Kitty starts urinating more often (or less often), her stool looks different than usual, or she has problems using the box, it’s time to take her to the vet.

Groom Kitty Regularly

Skin and claw issues are easier to uncover when you brush or comb Kitty on a regular basis. It also allows you and Kitty to develop a strong, loving bond.

Schedule an Annual Wellness Check

Annual wellness checks your vet spot early signs of illness, so it’s really important to keep these appointments. They’re also an ideal time to ask any questions you may have about taking care of your cat.

Keep Kitty’s Vaccinations Up-to-Date

Keeping your cat’s booster shots and vaccinations up-to-date is Kitty’s best defense against developing a serious illness, especially if she spends time with other cats on a regular.

If you have more questions or need to schedule an appointment with the vet, please don’t hesitate to call us today!

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