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Pet Memorial

Saying goodbye to a beloved friend is never easy. We understand this firsthand and want to help you through this difficult and emotional time in any way we can. We invite you to use this page to create a memorial to remember your pet and to share the special memories that you shared together with others. We also encourage you to reach out to our staff whenever you need support. We’ll get through this difficult time together.

Click Here To Submit Epitaph

Cocoa (2008-2024)

After 16 years of love, laughter and exploration together, we say goodbye to our little girl Cocoa. Her gentle spirit, love of adventure and curiosity helped us to discover what is important, being together. And that has filled our hearts with so many fond memories.

She loved to visit her Grandma C. who always had a cookie for her. And when Auntie Anne and Uncle Murray arrived her excitement was bondless, with howls of excitement, zoomies around the yard and a wagging tail that didn’t seem to slow down. She watched our girls grow from children to young women and protected them from the dangers of squirrels in the park to Malcolm the cat who kept punching her in the nose. She was always ready to walk them to school or around the block so everyone would know that these girls were her sisters.

She loved running in the park with her doggie friends chasing balls and frisbees and when the snow came, she could not contain herself, barrelling head first into the snow like a little puppy snow plow until she was totally exhausted and home for a nap. She enjoyed walking at the waterfront and running on the beach. She explored trails and woodlots to sniff out who was there before her and meet new friends along the way.

The holidays were her favorite when all the family would come together. She was always ready to help everyone out with opening their gifts and being ready for her share of the family feast. But most of all I think she loved that we were all together and she could share her love for each of us and we could love her back as well and that you could tell made her happy.

And as someone else once said “God sent Angels without wings to live with us and teach us how to be loved and how to love others”. God bless our little Cocoa, always and forever in our hearts.


Our sweet baby girl made everyone who met her fall in love with her. Kali patiently put up with too many hugs and kisses and loved to snuggle at night – even learning how to use stair when the bed got too high for her to jump up onto. We are heartbroken that our last hugs, kisses and snuggles came too early. May you rest in peace baby girl. You left a very cat-shaped hole in our lives – we miss you like crazy Kali-girl.


Our fondest memory will definitely have to be Beanie’s fierce loyalty to his favorite food. No matter where he was, how he felt or what time of day it was, he would park himself right beside your feet as soon as he heard the chopping board. Sometimes we would turn to see him already begging (a trick he learned to use to his full advantage!). He always knew how to get his way and we always called him a healthy boy because he only ever crazed after vegetables and fruits. He went absolutely feral for bell peppers and mangoes.

Beans made sure he never missed an opportunity, even during his last moments. It was truly a gift to know he left this earth with a belly full of his favorite food.


Kahlee was always a mystery. That is the best word to describe her.  She appeared out of nowhere one day in 2017.  She snuck into the house, made her way past all the other cats and took a very long nap on the sofa.  None of the other cats challenged her.  It was as if she had been there before; as if she belonged there!

It became clear within a few weeks that Kahlee was homeless; living in the garden and the porch most of the time and hunting day and night. Even eating cat food (or human food) was foreign to her.  She loved cat food once I taught her, of course.

Nobody knows how long Kahlee had to live this way.  But in spite of everything that she endured, she was always a sweet, gentle soul.  I learned many things from her, like patience, tenacity and gratitude.  She was the ray of sunshine that woke me up every morning.  I miss her loving green eyes and her loud meow.

How she found her way to our home that day, we will never know.  But we will always be grateful that she did.  I am very thankful that she chose us as her family!


2006- 2024 

My special boy is now gone and I am missing him dreadfully. Every day I told him his job was to look cute and he was very good at his job. If he was sitting up or standing, all I had to say was “Fall down and tuck your toes” and he would crouch down, as he is in the picture, and fold his front paws under his chest. Toby ruled at our house. He had his Mama wrapped around his little paw. If he wanted to eat at 3:30 AM, I would get up and make him something. If I was reading my morning paper, he would hit at it until I gave up and paid attention to him.

His favourite place was the screen room at the cottage. He hated the drive but loved it up there. He had his fuzzy blankets on both futons and went from one to the other. The trees were close to the screen windows and always had birds and squirrels to watch, right up close. He and Brandy used to sit side by side at the sliding doors to the back porch and watch for the chipmunks to come right up to the door. They would dick down behind the door frame and look at one another, as if to say “Did you see that?” So cute. I will always cherish the happy memories I have of him, through his 18 years. He knew he was loved and gave much love back in return. I know he had a good, long, cherished life.

I will miss my dear, sweet boy, but he will love on in my heart.



My favourite memory is of Ninja trying to wake me up each morning by batting the leaves of the palm tree behind him, then looking at me to see if it worked, then batting and so on til I woke up.

Thanks for your support at this difficult time.






2010 – 2024




November 4, 2023

Bailey was not just our pet, he was a beloved part of our family. He brought immeasurable joy to our lives, with his unwavering loyalty, boundless energy and affectionate nature. Whether it was his enthusiastic tail wags, his comforting presence during tough times or the countless shared happy moments, Bailey made a heartfelt mark on our hearts.

As we grieve his loss, we find solace in the countless precious memories that will forever live on in our hearts. Bailey may no longer be with us in the physical sense, but his spirit will endure through the love and joy he brought into our lives.

You will be terribly missed, Bailey.

Dark Angel




Diesel was a super puppy. Him and Stella were buddies from the start. He wouldn’t have it any other way. He just pushed his way into her life. He was a favourite at softball games and horse shows, where he was always super well behaved, saving his most mischievous behaviour for home. He hated having to wear his winter coat and booties but, without them, he started shivering soon into his walks! He didn’t stay with us as long as he should have but he will be in our memories forever!

Thank you for taking such good care of him.



Little Boots, so curious, affectionate and full of energy.



Duke was a very good dog. He was always by our side and provided comfort and love for 12 years. Our house seems so empty without him.







16 years ago, I was in a particularly dark time in my life and a friend suggested getting a pet to help me through it. They took me to a local shelter, where out of 50 or so cats, Zoe was the only one who didn’t seem to be particularly active or trying to get my attention. When I asked why, the staff told me that she was very lethargic and likely sick, but the facility didn’t have the resources to provide them treatment beyond the standard spaying and shots. Because of her lethargy and ‘illness’, she’d been passed over for adoption for over a month and I was told that if she didn’t find a home soon they would be forced to put her down. Feeling particularly sensitive to that, I decided that I would do my best to care for her if I could, and applied to adopt her. Luckily, her ‘illness’ was a very easily treatable case of worms and she quickly recovered and became an energetic, loving, and very curious and inquisitive cat. I am so grateful that I was able to give her a safe, loving, and happy 16 years more. In return, she gave me a purpose and reason to keep getting out of bed during a very dark period in my life, so to say she in turn saved my life wouldn’t be too much of an exaggeration.

I was honored to have her as my companion, and can only hope that she felt as loved and lucky as I did. I will miss her greatly.

Angus Morrison



Miller was an amazing part of our family for 15+ years. He was spoiled and loved by his human mommy, daddy and siblings. My daughter and son bonded with Miller immediately. We all fell in love. He brought us such joy. He was a very good doggie. He was gentle with everyone he met. He left us fairly quickly. He got sick and two and half weeks later he was gone. Miller you are now with the other pet angels. We will never ever forget you!!! Until we meet again R.I.P. xoxoxoxoxoxo


Born Sept. 20th, 2008
Left Us May 24th, 2023

14 years, 8 months and 4 days of pure joy for us!



Thank you for letting us love you. We will never forget your morning meows, soothing cuddles and how you always insisted on being spoon-fed.




2006 – April 24, 2023

We miss her so much. We had her for over 17 years and we really don’t know how old she was. I went into Pet Smart Dec.2006 for gifts for my other 2 cats and came out with Amber. Something told me to bring her home. She was a traumatized little cat which I discovered . It took a good year for her to come out of her depression. My other cats would cuddle up with her and she started to gain weight. She started trusting us and we were able to give her all the love she needed to heal. The rest of her life was happy. She loved our fenced in garden and would lick Bushy until his head looked like he had gel in it. I know she missed our two cats when they passed on. She was a good little cat with her peculiar little ways. She loved to sit in the middle of jigsaw puzzles and flick her tail to knock pieces off the table. She lives in our hearts forever.

Maureen and Greg


April 14, 2023

What can we say about our sweet little boy Max? Max was a most wonderful boy. From a little kitten to 17 years old, he was the ideal companion and friend. He was almost human. We always joke that all he was missing was a voice. We would literally have conversations with Max and it almost seemed like he was answering us. He had the best personality, well except on vet visits lol. But every day he managed to make us laugh and enjoyed every minute with him. He was there for many special moments, even our wedding day. 

Max loved flinging momma’s hair elastics and playing soccer with rolled up napkins. He enjoyed cuddling next to mom and dad and having his morning baby cuddles with mom and playing with dad. Momma even had her special moments singing to Max and dancing with him. He made friends with the neighborhood birds and soaked up the sun on the balcony or near the window. If he wasn’t there, he was hiding amongst the pillows on the bed or in his quiet spots in the closet. No matter where he was, he was the King of the castle and we simply had the honor of sharing his home and being his parents.

There simply will never be another cat like our boy Max. He surpassed just being a cat. He made a mold in our lives and hearts that only he could fit. Max was a beautiful boy that will never ever be forgotten. Down until the end, he brought so much joy and love to our lives. 

The sweetest boy who will forever live on in our hearts 🥰💕

Adriana and Guillermo Buttice-Molina


April 12, 2023

Herman 2011-2023


April 5, 2023

Cassie 2005 – 2023


March 12, 2023

Mela was the sunshine of our home. She was a lifelong friend that would waddle, hop and smile around the house even on our worst of days. Her favourite season was summer, and she would LOVE being the centre of attention during our BBQs. She will always be in our hearts, smiling with her tongue sticking out and sunbathing all day long…

Mela brought a warmth to our home that we will continue to feel forever. She taught me how to be happy with what I have and how to appreciate even the smallest joys in life. It’s the little things I’ll miss the most, like the tapping of her paws and needy barks. Rest easy Mela, and thank you for everything.

You are always in our hearts and memories. We will miss you 😢

Ariel, Ana, Joey and Luis


January 13, 2023

Stunningly beautiful Cali was a huge part of our whole family since 2003. She was my best friend who wanted to be with me as much as I wanted her with me. I sadly miss her coming to greet me at the front door, sleeping every night with me, laying basking in the sun in a chair, playing ‘hockey’ with wadded up paper, sitting on my lap when I watch Tv. She has left a hole in my life.  I loved her.

– Coral D.


Charlie 2011-2022


Abba 2011-2022


Spooky 2004-2022


November 1, 2022

Our sweet little Nacho was part of our family for 13 years. He was like a son to us and we will miss him dearly. He gave so much love to not just our family but to everyone that ever met him. Once he stopped barking at them.

Nacho loved food and was always looking around the house for something to eat. Whether it was stealing kleenex , the croissant in someones hand or the full hot dog on his brothers plate, he always found a way to satisfy his hunger. His love for hot dogs was deep which is why he always got one on his birthday.

Nacho’s favourite place in this world was the cottage. It was the place where he would run around the property all day long, sniff all of the wildlife that was present while he was back in the city and just felt freedom. That freedom had its downsides occasionally though. There were the times he came face to face with a skunk and found out the hard way why you stay away from them. There was also the time when he decided to put a toad in his mouth and experienced some terrible things. Nacho lived his life to the fullest.

Fly high our cute pup Nacho. Until we meet again!

Love, Mom, Dad and Brother


October 31, 2022

Cheshire loved the outdoors, despite being an indoor cat. His favorite thing to do would be to stretch out in the sun on our front steps and roll around on the warm pavement. We will miss those special moments soaking up the sun and enjoying the fresh air together.




October 8, 2022


2006 to 2022


September 30, 2022

I’ve had Poco since I was in high school. We are still trying to cope with the loss. My fondest memories of Poco is how he always jumps up on my bed, snuggles up to my body, do 10 thousand spins until he finds his most comfortable position before he plops down and curls up into a ball sleeping beside me. He’s brought a lot of happiness in our lives and we will always love and remember him as the best doggo ever ♥️


September 21, 2022

Today our sweet Lucy passed away. She was in our backyard, in her favourite bed. Dr Basu made the whole experience as peaceful as possible. Thank you for all the almost 16 years of care that was provided for Lucy. We take comfort in knowing she was always loved by your staff. I will drop by sometime with the leftover meds, in case they can be donated. Our hearts are a little broken but she was worth it.

– Audrey B


August 8, 2022

Missing my little Gracie so much – and so grateful for the time we had together … even forever wouldn’t be long enough – and grateful for the loving care all the staff gave her.


July 25, 2022

Stanley crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 5. I was blessed and privileged to have had Stanley for almost 13 years through his many ailments over the years. While he may be gone, much loved by all. He will never be forgotten.

– Brian R.


June 30, 2022


June 29, 2022

Thank you very much for your care in this heart break moment…and many thanks for Dr. Lily too.  Her professionalism and attentive guidance allowed Bella to receive timely treatment.


May 4, 2022

We were so blessed and privileged to have this little furry angel in our life for the past 15 years. She brought so much joy and happiness with her presence and her character. She was smart and caring. She was our refuge from a busy life. She taught us patience, unconditional love, how to be happy in the moment, how to have fun… Maxy will be missed a lot, but all the beautiful memories of her will stay forever in our hearts.

– Ljubicic family


April 29, 2022

Aussie was like a son to our family. Terry brought Aussie home at the age of six months old. Through the past sixteen years Aussie was our darling, he was full of energy running around to hug all of us and so friendly to everyone he met. Bye to our love one Aussie, may you rest in peace and you always in our hearts and be missed forever.


April 5, 2022

Flaco loved nothing more than playing fetch with his favourite squeeky guy and had a special hatred for frisbees, I think because he could never quite catch them…. Flaco’s personality was much bigger than his small stature, sitting only at 11lbs he would routinely try to take on streetcars, bicycles and skateboards in a kind of deluted ignorance that was very fitting for his level of confidence.

When he wasn’t chasing his ball… or the things he hated, Flaco loved to curl up in a nice pile of warm clothing fresh from dryer. I’ll always miss his snuggly cuddles and his spunky defiant personality. Rest in peace little man.


March 21, 2022

On 3.21, sweet Sienna (Azores Cattle Dog) blasted off to Heaven. Now, she is with the rest of our spirit animal family. Sienna loved her cat “herd” and her people companions. She was playful and energetic since the day she was adopted from Toronto Animal Services back in 2011. Thank you TAS. Sienna enjoyed the brisk early morning walks with her dad Richard and the many runs and long afternoon nature walks with her mom Linda. Smart Sienna could “Stop, Drop, Roll” and she could jump so high. Her favourite toy was her “Big Blue Ball” which she always kept by her side in the house. Sienna’s eyes were always alert shining so much love. Thank you, Sienna, for your unconditional love. You were a blessing. We love you. We miss you. Run, Sienna, run!

Thank you, Dr. Cathy Leung and the staff of Markham Vet Clinic.

Linda and Richard

“Don’t stop believin’, Hold on to that feelin’”– Journey.


March 29, 2022

Mimi has lived an amazing almost 17 years of life and he has lived so long because of the amazing team. It was great to hear that he had an alter ego named “memers” at the vet and the staff greeted him so nicely while accepting his grumpy personality.

At home he was loving, always waited by the door for us to come home and was extremely inquisitive in telling us what to do to feed him.


March 28, 2022

It is with great sadness that we have to say goodbye to our unique boy Benji. He provided love and loyalty to our family for the past 14 years, most of which was showcased through humour. He always made us laugh, whether with him or at him and his antics. We are comforted knowing he lived his best life, which also included his love for greenies, cheeseburgers and laying on a freshly cut lawn. He will forever be missed. Goodbye B, we love and thank you for being you!


March 7, 2022

Missy had the sweetest disposition, a loving little soul. Her inquisitiveness made her check everything thoroughly, whether cupboards, bags, or her own toys; you name it she was involved. She was a little clown, she could scare herself and then would run all over the place as if being chased. She made us laugh with her antics.

Though her breed is not known as being a lap cat, she jumped up on our laps each evening, watched TV or listened to music. She wanted to be held and stroked, which we lovingly obliged to do. She loved to purr, what a soothing sound! We miss her terribly!

She was the first one at the front door should the bell ring and greeted the visitor. She was very sociable, our neighbours knew her and often asked about her.

This photo taken on February 14th 2017 is probably our favourite of Missy. It captures her kind nature.

She also enjoyed our deck and spent hours with us watching the birds, squirrels and especially the chipmunks running around the backyard.

We played cards with friends on a weekly basis (COVID didn’t even stop us). Missy needed to sit close by on her own chair and observe what was going on, she especially loved the card shuffling part. Should we forget to put the chair out for her, she would come around and meow till a chair was found for her.

Imagine you’ve set the Christmas table with your best crystal glasses, china, lit the candles etc. The guests have arrived and you check out the table settings and lo and behold there is Missy sitting between the “lit candles”. For just a minute I thought what a nice arrangement and then noticed her there, glowing from the light of the candles! Priceless!


February 23, 2022

He loved the summer when the sun was blazing hot he would sun tan on his favourite chair. Jody was definitely a proud homeowner. He loved the trees, especially the one in the front yard. We caught him several times talking, hugging and climbing the tree. We planted a Japanese Maple tree in the backyard for him and he would sit for hours under the tree and would get upset when the birds came by to bother him. Jody would go for walks with his mother smelling all the flowers in the neighbours flowerbeds.

Jody had a best friend named Elmo. They would hang out in the bushes doing their cat thing and getting up to all kinds of mischief.

We loved Jody to the moon and back. No words can express our sadness since his passing.


February 11, 2022

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

Within the past 5 years, Pepper changed me. I learned from him the true definition of unconditional love, loyalty, forgiveness and not holding grudges. Not to mention, he was great at

listening to my problems.

I’m gonna miss him running and barking at anything that passes without saying hi to him. I’m gonna miss him smelling everything I eat. I’m gonna miss his constant demands to play by

throwing a toy on my face. I’m gonna miss his tongue sticking out all the time.

Thankful for these 5 wonderful years with the bestest dog, Pepper.

I am thankful for the Markham Vet Clinic team and Susan for taking care of this little guy for the past five years. Thank you for all your love and support.


June 4, 2016 by Cindy

Hard to say goodbye but thank you for always being my baby. You always wanted hugs, kisses and lots of attention! You always greeted me when I came home and stood at the window watching me leave. You brought joy to everyone around you and you will always be in my heart. Mommy loves you always.


March 23, 2016 by MVC Family

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to our MVC family kitty, Liesel.

We will always remember her quiet meow and how she loved to lay in her favourite bed in front of the doctors as they typed at the computer.

Liesel we are all going to miss you so much, but we will all one day meet again!


October 21, 2015 by julianna foung

You are always our love ” baby” Bichon Frise 2002- April 27th , 2015

Lord Striker

October 16, 2015 by Wayne & Gloria Burns

With many tears and very sad hearts, Wayne and I said goodbye to our beloved 12 year old Striker, his full name, “Lord Striker”, born September 26th. With dignity, Striker walked in the office of the Markham Veterinary Clinic and Dr. Sonya Firth & Nurse Lorraine and her assistant, helped him to his journey to Doggie Heaven crossing over a Rainbow Bridge. Striker was truly one of God\’s kindest and most gentle creatures right to the end. The house is so quiet without his presence. Every morning he would come wagging his tail, talking, sitting up to share his morning breakfast with Wayne, the early birds and then whirl around and get one of his favorite stuffed animals. He was our gorgeous “Red Golden Retriever”. Never fetched a ball, just gave you his funny look, like nope not going after that ball. Always excited for his walks with Wayne, he never cared how bad the weather was outside, Striker was going for his walk. Striker would greet you with his beautiful smile when family and friends knocked on the door. He was loving and well loved. It is hard to imagine not having our sweet old Striker around with us now. We know that someday we will be with you again Striker, on the other side of the bridge. Meanwhile you are always with us in our hearts and memories. Your in God’s hands and with all our Guardian Angels. God Bless!! We will miss you Striker, so, so much. xo

Markham Veterinary Clinic

Also serving Unionville, ON and surrounding areas.

Working Hours

Monday – Thursday: 8:30am to 7pm
Friday: 8:30am to 6pm
Saturday: 8:30am to 12pm