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Tips For Cuddling Cats

June 1, 2024

Do you own a cute cat?One thing we can say about our feline companions: they are quite affectionate. Many kitties really enjoy being held, petted, and hugged. However, others are more aloof. Continue reading to learn the do’s and don’ts of embracing Fluffy from a local Unionville, ON  veterinarian.

What Happens If My Cat Doesn’t Enjoy Hugs?

Some of our feline pals are a little reserved. That is not to suggest Fluffy does not love you; she may simply prefer to show it by spending time with you, following you around, or even ignoring you! That’s just fine. 

There are several other options for starting that little motor:

Boxes: Fortunately for us, our feline overlords are generally easy to please. Simply give your pet an empty box and tell her to stay out of it. She’ll hop right in! 

Playthings: Fluffy benefits both emotionally and physically from playing with new toys. This helps keep her in good shape. Timing those sophisticated pounces is also great for mental stimulation.

Beds: Did you know that cats may sleep up to twenty hours every day? Purchasing or creating Fluffy a new bed (or ten) is guaranteed to elicit at least a few purrs.

Furniture: Kitties benefit significantly from goods developed specifically for them. A cat tower is a great option, but your feline may prefer a kitty tunnel, window seat, or anything else she can look cute and unimpressed on.

Conversation: You can make Fluffy feel valued in more ways than just hugging and patting her. Simply communicate with her. Kitties are terrific confidantes. They also love being talked to!

Treats: Although our feline companions can be fussy, most have a favorite snack. Just stick to healthy choices. Plain meat, fish, or chicken is always a good option, as long as you remove the skin, bones, and fat. Ask your vet for advice.

Catnip: Don’t forget about Fluffy’s favorite plant! Remember that not all furballs are susceptible. If your feline partner doesn’t seem to like it, consider getting her honeysuckle cat toys. Honeysuckle seems to be popular with cats who loathe catnip. (This is yet another thing we may never fully comprehend about our feline masters.)

Of course, keeping your pet happy and healthy necessitates regular visits to our Unionville, ON pet clinic.

Is It Okay to Hug Cats?

In general, yes, but there are a few things to consider. The golden rule is to never hug or hold a furball who does not want to be touched. This is unlikely to win her over; instead, you will most likely get scratched. Fluffy’s trust has to be earned. That might take time.

What Are The Most Cuddly Cat Breeds?

While breed has less of an impact on Fluffy’s physiology than it does on dogs, it is still something that factors in. While every kitty is distinct, a few breeds are considered to be meowing little love bugs.

  • Persian 
  • Burmese
  • Birman
  • Sphynx
  • Bombay
  • Abyssinian
  • Tonkinese
  • Russian blue
  • Ragdoll
  • Maine Coon
  • Scottish Fold
  • Siamese
  • American Short Hair
  • Ragamuffin
  • Devonshire 
  • Cornish Rex
  • Chartreux
  • Himalayan

Do Cats Enjoy Cuddles?

Many cats enjoy having their owners pet and snuggle them. Fluffy is also the perfect size to curl up on our laps, though it’s still unclear if she wants to cuddle or merely thinks we make good napping spots.

Putting aside the jokes, cats are quite emotional and can create very strong ties with their humans. At the end of the day, all they want is to be petted and held while feeling loved and secure. In fact, research indicates that our feline pets see us as second parents. Kittens, in particular, enjoy feeling secure, and often very quickly warm up to anyone who pets and snuggles them. 

How Can I Get My Cat to Love Me?

It all boils down to treating Fluffy with love and care. There are no shortcuts available. Just talk to her, pet her, and pay attention to her! 

Why Don’t Some Cats Like Being Hugged?

Each kitty has their own tastes. This could be affected by your pet’s past, especially if she came from a poor situation. If your feline buddy was not socialized as a kitten and spent time as a stray, she may be wary. Cats can slowly warm up. It’s great to have an aloof, anxious kitten crawl onto your lap for the first time!

Of course, some furballs will only cuddle with their owners if they want to. That is, Fluffy may ignore you while you are watching TV, only to demand attention while you are doing something else. Some kitties choose a human and just want to snuggle with that person. You just never know with cats!

How Do I Properly Hug My Cat?

Picking up your furry pal isn’t exactly a complicated task, but there are a few things to consider. It is critical that you provide proper care for your animal friend. Her weight should be spread evenly between her hind end and back legs. She may choose to rest her front paws on your arm or shoulder. The important thing is not to grab or hold her by the stomach. This can cause internal damage. In addition, it is just uncomfortable. You would probably not want to be held by the stomach, either!

What about that other thing? When your cute pet decides she’s had enough, let her go. This is essential for building trust. If you try to hold Fluffy, she may become frightened and defensive.

What Are the Advantages of Hugging Kitties?

Our feline friends may face a lot of criticism for being cold and aloof, but this is really not fair. Some simply want to be petted and pampered all the time. Paying attention to Fluffy, patting and caressing her, might help to deepen the special bond we have with our feline friends.

Hugging kittens is also rather special. When you and your pet snuggle, a certain hormone, oxytocin, is released in both of you. When mothers and babies snuggle, they also both release oxytocin. It strengthens the impression of feeling loved and safe.

Finally, we have Fluffy’s purr. That distinct rumble possesses several intriguing properties. Cats purr at precise frequencies, often between 25 and 140 Hertz. The same frequencies have been shown to facilitate healing and bone growth. They are also used to in physical therapy. 

Plus, as you may already know, snuggling with a purring cat may be really relaxing.

Cats in Need of Hugs

We feel that all kitties deserve cuddling and affection. Unfortunately, many cats are languishing in shelters, hoping that someone will adopt, care for, and cherish them. Given that June is Adopt A Shelter Cat Month, now is a great time to help. This could include donating money, dropping off supplies, fostering, volunteering, or simply raising awareness. Of course, adopting a kitten who needs affection is the perfect way to mark this ‘pawspicious’ event.

Schedule an Appointment at Our  Unionville, ON Animal Clinic

Has it been a while since your kitty companion came in? Have you just gotten a new kitten? Contact your  Unionville, ON pet clinic, for all of your feline pal’s veterinary care needs. We are always glad to help!

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