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MVC Attends the OAVT Conference!

Our very own Registered Veterinary Technician, Grace, recently attended the Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians

Key FAQS About Adopting A Rescued Guinea Pig 

March marks Adopt A Rescued Guinea Pig Month. We’re happy to highlight these beloved children’s

The Skye Terrier: A Plucky Little Pup With A Big Heart

Did you know that there are currently 190 breeds in the AKC? Each one of

Markham Vet Clinic Takes on Toronto at 2024 OVMA Conference!

Toronto buzzed with all things vet med in January as this year’s OVMA conference unfolded,

Things To Know Before You Adopt A Rescued Rabbit

It’s Adopt A Rescued Rabbit Month! We’re always thrilled to give Floppy some time in

Senior Cat Grooming Needs

One of the many wonderful things about cats is that they are quite clean. Fluffy
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