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Markham Vet Clinic Receives Third Consecutive OVMA Practice Management Award

MVC is proud to wrap up 2023 receiving its third OVMA Practice Management award. This

Furry Friends, Fresh Starts: Crafting Your 2024 Resolutions with Pet Passion

Happy New Year! As we step into 2024, the air is filled with the promise

Pet of the Month – Daisy

Daisy is a sweet and mild-mannered golden doodle who is living the life every dog

Holiday Travel Safety For Pets

The holiday season is in full swing … so are many people’s travel plans. According

Merry Christmas from Markham Vet Clinic!

The Markham Vet Clinic crew kicked off the holiday season with a festive twist at

Common Holiday Hazards for Pets – What You Need to Know

The holiday season is a wonderful time filled with joy and cheer, but it’s important
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